Monday, 27 February 2012


mmg mcm x pcy,this is my 1st time to be warded form a week.GILOS!!!! 
sbb utama yg dipercayai aku warded is:
1)high fever
2)low blood pressure
3)dehydration tahap kene sedut smp kering air dlm badan
4)cirit birit
and the most important thing penyebab UTAMA aku warded is aku pengsan kat umah.neeee noooo neeee noooo bunyi hon kete bapak aku kelam kabut anta aku g HKL.

13 feb- badan dah start lemah,went to OPD check up amik darah balik umah makan ubat
14 feb- getting worst but still leh sental KFC kat ofis.setel je makan kat ofis aku flet trus minx halfday kat boss.
            mlm tu demamku makin menjadi2 mcm xnak pisah dr aku..lepas maghrib mak aku decide anta balik g OPD for check up sbb fever x trun2 dr smlmnye.sayangnye check up kali ni telah membuatkan aku warded di NW25 HKL.sedey gile.n honestly this is my 1st n last bermalam di hotel hospital.....1st aku masuk resus (kritikal zone which zone yg perlukan pemerhatian doc for 100%.n thats me!!!!!seriously im about to dying sbb kiri kanan org meninggal.masuk je dalam half an hour trus meninggal.ya Allah Tuhan je taw ape aku rs that time.n honestly aku xleh nak share ape aku rs on that day sbb takot sgt.untuk hilang rs takot im talking to myself.remind myself of ALLAH swt a lot.i was like to crying sbb perasaan takot dgn doc yg ade depan mata aku ni, that stupid machine yg bunyi titttt tittt titttt all the time,n its annoying gud fren dtg help me alot wit his advice.tq remy!!!really appreciate of ur concern dtg even bz with work.setelah berhempas pulas doc menaikkan tekanan darah aku akhirnye tepat kul 1 pg aku warded!!!! mula2 aku admit kat wad NW23.sgt menjengkelkan.pagi tu aku gagahkan juga minx 2nd class wad n akhirnye aku berkampungla di NW25 selame 7hari!!!!

finalize illnesses aku is gastric+viral fever. so skang ni byk bende xleh makan dari boleh.!!!

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